The Mystery of People Who Speak Dozens of Languages

Cioreviewindia | Wednesday, 19 September 2018, 11:57 IST

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The Mystery of People Who Speak Dozens of Languages


Don’t you just love people who speak lots of languages? Imagine if you had a homework to do in Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese and there was someone on do my homework who speaks all three and more and could easily do your assignment for you. This article takes a look at those things that make these people mysterious.


When I say people who speak dozens of languages, I am talking about people who are simply bi-lingual or have the ability to speak three languages, I speak about the polyglots and the hyper polyglots. The former is an individual who is versed in the speaking of various languages. They might not be fluent in it and might not sound like the locals, but they understand it and can communicate in it. The latter (hyper polyglots) are those who have mastered the art of speaking many languages fluently. They are so fluent it is so difficult to tell them apart from the locals when communicating.

Upon close study and relation, you are bound to notice certain attributes that make these people who are well versed in many languages stand out from the average person who speaks only one or two languages. Ad: Should you need to buy thesis online, you can easily do so. These mysteries include:

1. How Do Their Brain Function

It is often said that if you can successfully learn many languages, you are really intelligent and your brain doesn’t function like the average human brain. However, what remains a mystery to me is to the part of their brain that stores the way other languages work and can decipher which one they intend to speak without mixing one up with the other.

I often wonder if my bi-lingual self and brain could ever learn maybe 10 more languages and be fluent in them, and I am sure you ask yourself the same question too. There is only one way to answer this question… get out of your comfort zone and try to learn more languages. If you succeed, fine, and if you don’t, fine. You get the answer to your question either way.

2. Where/How Did They Learn?

This is another mystery surrounding people who speak dozens of languages. There are many ways one can learn to speak lots of languages and we shall take a look at some of them.

One could learn how to speak many languages if one attends or attended a sophisticated school where they taught them how to read, write, and speak multi languages. This is one of the easiest ways to learn other languages as they teach you the basics and how every other thing works.

Polyglots may also get their superpowers from constant travelling to different places and spending long durations at each destination. This way, they learn the language by slowly picking up on what the locals say and putting them together to form words and sentences till they are fluent in it. This process could take years and requires a lot of determination and hard work.

People who speak many different languages may have also learned due to their job. E.g. an actor looking to star in an upcoming Spanish movie needs to learn some Spanish. His next gig might be Mexico themed, needing him to pick some things up in Mexico, and so it goes.

3. How Do They Seamlessly Talk To Different People With Different Languages At The Same Time?

How do they do it? Switch from one language to many others as though they were changing channels? Picture an interpreter at a meeting between the president of USA and the presidents of say 12 more countries. How do you think that sole interpreter would relay to each of the presidents what the others are saying without making any mistake? Or perhaps it is the secretary that is a polyglot. How does he/she translate all what is being said into English Language without making mistakes?

I can’t even call all my dogs without mixing up their names! Polyglots are wonderful and will never cease to amaze me and so many other people around them. We might not have the likes of Superman or Spiderman on our planets but we have those who possess the ability to speak so many languages fluently and in my opinion, that is a super power that should be cherished and celebrated on its own. The origin and source of this super power is still unknown and that is one half of the mystery surrounding polyglots and their enhanced counter parts the hyper polyglots. Now, a lot of people will say they are normal people like us and virtually anybody can become a polyglot. While I believe in the evident fact that we all have one head, I also believe that we are all wired differently and what works for you might not work for someone else. How are polyglots wired then? That is the other half of the mystery surrounding people who speak dozens of languages.

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